CONFERENCE: Sacred Places and Secular Spaces in the Early Modern World
The Southeastern Renaissance Conference invites submissions for our 79th annual conference, to be held September 29-October 1 2022. Hosted by Winston-Salem State University, SRC 2022 will have a virtual design, meaning the conference will meet online only. Papers can be on any aspect of Renaissance literature, history, philosophy, music, art, or culture, but we particularly encourage submissions with some relationship to this year’s theme: “Sacred Places and Secular Spaces in the Early Modern World.”
We will launch the opening of this year’s conference with a plenary talk delivered by Dr. Heather Hirschfeld, Professor of English and Director of Undergraduate Studies, The University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
Please submit your full essay (20-minute reading time maximum, or no more than 2,500 words) through the paper submission module on our website. Membership in the SRC is required for conference attendance.
For consideration for the 2022 Conference, papers must be submitted by July 1, 2022. Those submitting papers for the 2022 Conference will receive a response from the SRC by the end of July.