SEMINAR: Stealing from the Saracens - A Talk by Diana Darke

Southwark Cathedral London Bridge London SE1 9DA
23rd September 2020, 6:30pm – 8:00pm BST

How Islamic Architecture shaped Europe.


An exhilarating, meticulously researched book that sheds light on centuries of borrowing, tracing the roots of Europe’s major buildings.’ — The Guardian

‘Diana Darke writes about Syria and its cultural heritage with love, clarity and authority.’ — Sir Michael Palin

Against a backdrop of Islamophobia, Europeans are increasingly airbrushing from history their cultural debt to the Muslim world.

But this legacy lives on in some of Europe’s most recognisable buildings, from Notre-Dame Cathedral to the Houses of Parliament. This beautifully illustrated book reveals the Arab and Islamic roots of Europe’s architectural heritage. 

Diana Darke traces ideas and styles from vibrant Middle Eastern centres like Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo, via Muslim Spain, Venice and Sicily into Europe. She describes how medieval crusaders, pilgrims and merchants encountered Arab Muslim culture on their way to the Holy Land; and explores more recent artistic interaction between Ottoman and Western cultures, including Sir Christopher Wren’s inspirations in the ‘Saracen’ style of Gothic architecture. 

Recovering this long yet overlooked history of architectural ‘borrowing’, Stealing from the Saracens is a rich tale of cultural exchange, shedding new light on Europe’s greatest landmarks.

Diana Darke is an Arabist and cultural expert who has lived and worked in the Middle East for over thirty years. She is the author of The Merchant of Syria: A History of Survival and My House in Damascus: An Inside View of the Syrian Crisis. 

She tweets as @dianadarke.

How are we keeping you safe?

We are committed to the continued well being of all those who visit, work and worship at Southwark Cathedral.

In our on-going efforts to assist our community in preventing the spread of COVID-19, we have implemented the following enhanced protocols and procedures you will notice during your time with us.

Numbers are strictly limited to ensure ensure we adhere by social-distancing.

A designated entrance, at the Churchyard gates on Bedale Street and designated exit through the Millennium Courtyard on Montague Close.

A one way route through the Cathedral that reinforces physical distancing guidelines.

The provision of hand sanitizer stations throughout the site.

Freely available toilet facilities to promote frequent handwashing.

Card and contactless only payment facilities.

Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of touchpoints including handles, rails, seating and toilet facilities.

Face coverings are mandatory inside the Cathedral unless exempted.

Seating will adhere to strict social distancing of at least 1m+ from each other.

Copies of pre-signed books will be available to purchase in advance or on the evening. There will be no book-signing.

What can I do to help?

Please visit us at another time if you or a member of your household or group are feeling unwell.

Wash your hands often using soap or water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser.

Wear a face covering.

Stay at least 1m+ away from others and follow the one way route around the Cathedral.

If you need to cough or sneeze, please do so into your elbow, not in your hand or the air.

Please note should this event need to be cancelled full refunds will be issued within 3-5 days of the event date.