Dr Eva Johanna Holmberg, FRHistS, is an Academy Research Fellow at the University of Helsinki in Finland, where she is the holder of a five-year research grant from the Academy of Finland. Her project focuses on the entanglements of manuscript travel writing and life writing in seventeenth-century Britain. She is also a visiting research fellow at the School of History, Queen Mary University of London and a Trustee and a council member of the Hakluyt Society. Her research interests include cross-cultural encounters, Anglo-Ottoman exchanges, and the cultural history of travel, including its bodily, sensory and emotional experiences. Her first monograph explored contemporary Jews in early modern English imagination (Jews in the Early Modern English Imagination, Ashgate, 2012), and she is currently completing her second book, tentatively entitled Slaves of the Ottoman Sultan: British Encounters with the Peoples of the Book in the Early Seventeenth Century. She has also edited a special issue of Renaissance Studies, ‘Renaissance and Early Modern Travel: Practice and Experience, 1500-1700’ (vol. 33, 4, 2019). She tweets @EvaJohannaH.