Dr Iman Sheeha
Dr Iman Sheeha
Member, MEMOs

Iman Sheeha is a Senior Lecturer in Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature at Brunel University, London. She is the author of Household Servants in Early Modern Domestic Tragedy (Routledge, 2020) and co-editor of a special issue on liminal domestic spaces for Early Modern Literary Studies (2020). Her research has appeared or is forthcoming in Shakespeare Survey, Early Theatre, Cahiers Élisabéthains, Early Modern Literary Studies, and American Notes and Queries. She has contributed to People and Piety: Devotional Writing in Print and Manuscript in Early Modern England (Manchester University Press, 2019), is contributing a chapter on domestic service in the interracial household to Oxford Handbook on Travel, Identity, and Race in Early Modern England, 1550–1700 (OUP, 2023), and is writing the Introduction to the forthcoming Oxford World Classics The Tragedy of Master Arden of Faversham (OUP, 2024). She is currently working on a project entitled Shakespeare’s Neighbours: Communities of Support and Surveillance. She can be followed on Twitter @DrSheeha.