Dr Shazia Jagot
Dr Shazia Jagot
Member, MEMOs

Shazia Jagot is Senior Lecturer in Medieval and Global Literature in the Department of English and Related Literature at the University of York. She has worked at the University of Surrey (2017-19) and the University of Southern Denmark (2014-2017) as part of the Centre for Medieval Literature (SDU/York). Shazia gained her PhD from the University of Leicester during which she held a Junior Research Fellowship funded by the Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL) where she was based at the British Institute in Amman, Jordan. Her research interests lie in the literary, cultural, and historical interactions between medieval England and the Islamicate world with a strong interest in the medieval Mediterranean. She is currently writing her first monograph on Geoffrey Chaucer's Arabic 'sources' and runs an interdisciplinary project on Islamic art, material culture, and literary narratives across a broadly defined 'Silk Road'. Among this, Shazia is also a co-editor of the journal, Postmedieval, and she sits on the Managing Committee for the EU COST Action Network, Islamic Legacies in Europe (IS-LE).