Assistant Professor, Race and Ethnicity, Princeton University
The Department of History at Princeton University invites applications from scholars who specialize in the history of race and ethnicity in North America. We especially encourage candidates who work on the history of African Americans and/or the African diaspora in the twentieth century. The search will prioritize scholars who enhance existing thematic strengths in the department, including but not limited to: race and power, comparative and transnational history, gender and sexuality, environmental history, Afro-Latinx history, and racial capitalism. The candidate should be prepared to offer an undergraduate lecture course on race and ethnicity in North America, as well as upper-level undergraduate courses and graduate courses on the specialized aspects of this history. Review of files will begin October 1, 2022 and continue until the position is filled. Applicants should provide a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research statement outlining the dissertation or book as well as other relevant projects, and one chapter- or article-length writing sample. At least three referees should be entered into the online system, which will automatically generate requests for their letters. For candidates who do not yet have a Ph.D., the recommendation of the principal advisor must include precise information on the present status of the dissertation and the likelihood of completion by summer 2023.
Application Deadline: Review of applications will begin on 1 October 2022
More details on the role are available here