Beacon Junior Research Fellow in Postcolonial and Race Studies, University College Oxford

9 December 2022

University College Oxford invites applications for the Beacon Junior Research Fellowship in Postcolonial and Race Studies, tenable for three years with a start date from 1 March 2023 onwards. This postdoctoral fellowship is open to applicants in any academic subject whose research engages explicitly and in a sustained way with postcolonial and/or race studies. The appointee will be based in University College, High Street, Oxford OX1 4BH.

The JRF in Postcolonial and Race Studies is the first JRF to be made available under the College’s newly launched Univ Beacon Programme, a major new initiative to drive participation and inclusion in education and research. You can read more about the Univ Beacon Programme at

The Univ Beacon JRF is open to applicants working in any aspect of Postcolonial and Race Studies. The College is keen to appoint a postholder who will contribute to the wider aims of the Beacon programme in appropriate ways.

JRFs provide research opportunities to outstanding academics at the beginning of their careers. The primary duty of the post is to carry out a coherent programme of high-quality publishable research, but most JRFs choose also to offer a limited amount of teaching for the College in the interests of career development. Any such teaching will be remunerated separately. Ordinarily, the College has between 8 and 10 JRFs across a range of subjects. JRFs play an important part in the intellectual and social life of the College.

The primary criterion for appointment to the JRF will be research excellence. Candidates must: (1) have a strong educational record; (2) hold a doctorate, or be near completion; (3) have research expertise demonstrated by publications, or demonstrate promise of such achievement; and (4) have a coherent plan of research for the duration of the fellowship. The potential to become an effective teacher will be a secondary consideration.

Candidates must be confident that they will have obtained their doctorates by the start of their appointment. This position is not intended for those who have already held another stipendiary JRF or equivalent or for those who obtained their doctorates more than two years prior to the application date (except in special circumstances).


Application Deadline: 20 January 2023

More details on the role are available here