Bhagwan Vasu Pujya Swami Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Jain Studies, University of Pittsburgh

24 February 2023

The Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for a one-year renewable postdoctoral fellowship in Jain Studies beginning in August 2023.  The Bhagwan Vasu Pujya Postdoctoral Fellowship provides support for an early career scholar whose work contributes to an understanding of Jain philosophy as an innovative point of reference for interdisciplinary research.  It is expected that applicants will expand on their research experience and expertise to demonstrate the significance of Jainism to one or more areas of research, including, but not limited to, anthropology, bioethics, business ethics, environmental studies, food security, history, law and social justice, sustainability, philosophy, and public health. The Postdoctoral Fellow will be affiliated with the Asian Studies Center in the University Center for International Studies and with an appropriate school at the University of Pittsburgh.  The Fellow will be expected to engage in scholarly activities, primarily focused on publishing, conducting research, and teaching. The Fellow will also be expected to engage in colloquia, give a public lecture and present their work at international conferences.  Teaching assignments will be made in consultation with the appropriate department chair and the director of the Asian Studies Center and will focus on Jain history and philosophy in the context of disciplinary and departmental research and teaching foci.  Teaching responsibility is for one course.  Applicants must have a PhD in anthropology, bioethics, business ethics, environmental studies, food security, history, law and social justice, sustainability, philosophy, public health, religious studies or a related area, and submit 1) a cover letter describing research interests, project focus and academic experience; 2) a CV; 3) a writing sample; and 4) contact details for three referees.

Application Deadline: 01 March 2023

More details on the role are available here.