PhD Studentship Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Brookes Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

20 January 2023

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) invites a full-time PhD Studentship within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Proposals are invited under the following disciplines represented in our Faculty:

  • Education

  • English Literature, Drama, and Creative Writing

  • Geography, Anthropology, and Environmental Studies

  • History and History of Art

  • Law

  • Criminology

  • Politics, Political Theory and International Studies

  • Sociology

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) is the most academically diverse of Oxford Brookes University’s four faculties. Following a recent restructure, it will comprise two Schools from March 2023: The School of Law and Social Sciences and The School of Education, Languages and Humanities, along with the Institute of Public Care. HSS has a long tradition of producing world-class research. The REF 2021 results (Research Excellence Framework) confirm our world-leading and internationally excellent research status in a range of subjects and serve as official recognition of the expertise, dedication, and passion of our academic community. HSS researchers contribute to a wide-range of interdisciplinary research groups and clusters. The Faculty thus offers excellent opportunities for disciplinary, and interdisciplinary, work.

We have a large, lively, and growing postgraduate community working here in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, a group of impressive and dynamic students who are leading the way in cutting-edge research. We are passionate about fostering the careers of our early career researchers during their time here, and ensuring they gain both practical and academic research skills, training and leadership experience as integral parts of the doctoral programmes we offer. Oxford Brookes provides both a great place to study and an opportunity to belong to a doctoral learning community which nurtures excellence in research and scholarship. It is a great place to share exciting research and learning with academic colleagues. Successful applicants will also be able to access Faculty and University events and training sessions offered through our Doctoral Training Programme; we want the experience of joining in this academic community to represent an enriching and positive learning environment and to involve membership of an intellectual community, with all the opportunities for networking and collaborating that such connections afford. The University has adopted equality, diversity and inclusion as core values. We welcome applications from suitably qualified candidates whatever their background, particularly from candidates who identify as BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Groups).

Application Deadline: 2 March 2023

More details on the role are available here