Stipendiary Lecturership in History, University of Oxford
Christ Church invites applications for a two-year fixed-term Stipendiary Lecturership in History commencing 01 October 2023. This is a temporary position to fulfil a current teaching need. It is envisaged that teaching arrangements for History will be reviewed at the end of this period, therefore, the appointment carries with it no expectation of permanent employment at Christ Church.
The Lecturer will be expected to deliver nine hours per week of high-quality tutorial teaching, averaged over three eight-week terms per year and weighted in accordance with the Senior Tutors’ Committee recommendations, to undergraduates on the History and Joint Schools degrees.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach:
British History 2 (c. 1000-1300) and/or British History 3 (c. 1330-1550) for both Prelims (1st years) and Final Honour School (2nd years)
European and World History 2 (1000-1300) for Prelims and one or more European and World History paper(s) for the Final Honour School
One or more Optional, Further, or Special Subject, depending on the lecturer’s area of expertise.
The Lecturer will also be expected to take part in the teaching of Disciplines of History to second and third year students and to supervise undergraduate dissertations that fall within their area of research.
The salary will be in the range of £21,572 to £24,261 (current rates) per annum pro rata, according to qualifications and experience. New appointments are usually made at the first point of the scale.
Applicants should have evidence of the skills needed for higher education teaching in tutorial or small group settings, a research record commensurate with the stage of their career; and have a doctorate, or evidence that one will be substantially complete before the start date in History, or a closely related field.
Application Deadline: 13 March 2023
More details on the role are found here.